If you’re not satisfied with your online purchase, we are happy to refund or exchange the product. The refunds with be made within 21 working days after we receive the product in unused and unopened condition. Please write to us at to inform us.
You are required to arrange a courier service and bear the cost for it. Please send us the product within seven days from the day you received the product at the address below:
176 Orchard Road
The Centrepoint
Singapore 238843
Please note, in case of refund you will no longer be entitled to the complimentary face treatment.
We will arrange for a pick-up to collect the damaged/incorrect product as well delivery of the correct product. Kindly email at
Exchanges are done for damaged/incorrect products only.
You are responsible for providing sufficient and accurate shipping address (including street address, block and unit number, or postal code). Medicels Aesthetics will not be responsible for undelivered goods because of error in the information you provided.
Our online payment system is operated by a service provider specialising in safe and secure online payments.
Medicels Aesthetics has the right to collect private data for completing transactions and providing services (including the delivery of products and invoices). Please note your personal information including name, address and phone number might be exposed on the outer packaging for delivery requirements.
Disclaimer Agreement
You are fully aware of accept and are solely responsible for any and all risks arising from any treatment product and service. You agree to use and undergo any treatment product and service solely at your own risk. Medicels Aesthetics and its officers, employees, directors and agents take no responsibility whatsoever and excludes all liability for the actual treatment product and service provided. You agree never to hold Medicels Aesthetics liable for any liability in contract or in tort for any delays, property loss or damage, injury, damage, loss, delay, consequential or economic loss or damage, side effects, allergies, failure or omission, expenses or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly in connection therewith howsoever arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance upon any information or from any treatment product service act or omission on our part or anything else directly or indirectly in connection therewith howsoever arising. By proceeding and making payment, you are deemed to have agreed with every term and conditions herein and our current Disclaimer Agreement published on our website as may be amended from time to time.